It’s ok to not be ok and when you’re not ok, it’s ok to reach out for help. Though life can often get us down, it is possible to rise above your circumstances, take control, and fight back. I believe that insight is a powerful tool in creating change within. As therapists, we can help you better understand the connections between your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. With this new insight, you can identify problematic ones and challenge, replace, or reframe them. The path to change starts with identifying your underlying needs and finding more effective ways to fulfill them. Finding Balance Therapy was founded to help bridge the gap between minorities and access to mental health treatment.
Individual Therapy
Individual therapy involves one person working through personal issues that they have been facing. It is an effective treatment for a variety of emotional difficulties and mental illnesses. With individual therapy you will develop different skills to assist you with coping with everyday stressors, manage symptoms connected to mental illness, and learn how to create and maintain boundaries. You will also develop self awareness and process past and current trauma. Talk to a therapist today!
Couples Therapy
Couples therapy helps to identify and problem solve issues within relationships. It improves couples relationships and helps them to connect with their partner. Couples can face many challenges and in therapy, they will learn how to discuss expectations and create boundaries. They will learn how to communicate effectively and develop listening skills. They will combat challenges with abuse of any kind. Their issues must be brought into the light and fully addressed before any parties can begin to move forward. Couples will discuss traumatic events like death or divorce. They will identify and work toward resolving issues of infidelity. If one partner is unfaithful to the other in any sense (sexual or emotional affairs, financial dishonesty, etc.), then trust needs to be repaired before the relationship can either move forward or come to an end.
Group Therapy
Groups provide support. Hearing from others with similar issues helps you see that you’re not alone in having challenges. Many groups are designed to target a specific problem such as depression, panic disorder, social anxiety, or substance abuse. Other groups focus more generally on improving social skills, helping people deal with a range of issues such as anger, shyness, loneliness and low self-esteem. Groups often help those who have experienced loss. Groups can be open or closed. We offer closed groups to help our clients maintain privacy and feel comfortable among peers.
Family Therapy
No matter what issues your family may be experiencing (and every family has some), family therapy can help you sort them out. Maybe you feel like your family has grown apart, or you've lost a loved one; there are many issues that can create conflict. We will address issues with communication, substance use and abuse, blended family issues, abuse, and current and past trauma. Let a theraist help your family find a solution.
Life Coaching
Many people view working with a life coach as a means of bridging the gap between their current circumstances and the life they would like to lead. Life coaching focuses on goals and is future oriented and solution focused treatment. It is structured to facilitate progress, focus on short term goals, and improve current performance.
Meet the Team

We want to provide services to minorities in urban communities and remove barriers to treatment. We believe everyone should have access to therapy regardless of socioeconomic status, class, race or sex.We want to change stigmas and biases surrounding therapy and teach different communities “it’s ok to not be ok”.